Commission for Laity


A community of living witnesses to Christ.


1. Formation of leadership among laity promoting belongingness to the Church and selfless service to the world.

2. Promotion of active involvement of the laity in the participatory structures of the Church.

Goal 1: The laity is socio-economically self-reliant

Objective 1: 75% of the Catholic families are earning a decent livelihood and live a life of dignity and respect by the 31st of December 2018.

Objective 2: Equality of men and women in decision making

Objective 3: At least 50% of the laity actively participates in the Ward Sabha (WS) Grama Sabha (GS) and Jamabandhi (JB).

Objective 4: To ensure 2 persons are members of GP Committees

Goal 2: The Community of Believers lives and upholds the Gospel values

Objective 1: Participatory structures function effectively

Objective 2: To ensure 2 per parish are elected for local self-governance
Objective 3: At least 100 persons in the diocese have undergone a course in social teachings of the Church.

Goal 3: A well-organized laity based on their profession

Objective: By December 2014 our diocese has organizations of Catholic professionals like Social Activists,  Academicians, Nurses, Public Servants, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, doctors, Lawyers etc.