Commission for Youth

Educated and united catholic youth for Christian leadership.

To form catholic youth as value based leaders in the society. To motivate the youth to work for the development of the society.

Goal: Youth rooted in faith and filled with Christian spirit.

Objective 1: By December 2016 at least 50% of youth in all the parishes actively participate in the liturgy, family prayer, bible study sessions, retreats etc.

Objective 2: All the 48 parishes of the diocese have established the youth units and at least 20%of the members of these units are active and effective leaders by 2014.

Objective 3: A team of resource persons is available at the diocesan level by 2014.

Objective 4: At least 50% of youth in the diocese have completed higher education and at least 25 youth have value based leaders in civil service by 2020.

Objective 5: At least 50% of the parishes are actively participating in ward sabha and gram Sabha and avail government schemes and entitlements by 2015.