Commission for Small Christian Communities (SCC)

A Communion of communities living life in abundance centered on the Word of God.

Establishing, empowering and nurturing of SCCs in every neighborhood

Goal 1: The Kingdom of God is visible in the neighborhood.

Objective 1: All the wards in every parish have SCCs with “Ward Committees’ of 7-8 members by the end of 2015.

Objective 2: Every parish in the Diocese has a ‘Core Committee of SCCs’ in place by 2015.

Objective 3: About 50% of Catholics, above the age of 18, possess a personal copy of the New Testament by the end of 2016 and carry it regularly to the SCC gathering.

Objective  4: The SCCs take up at least one service activity per month towards the needy members of the neighborhood.

Goal 2: A matrix fostering ‘New Way of Being Church’ is available.

Objective 1: The SCC Commission has a well formed ‘Resource Team’ in the Diocese by the end of 2015.

Objective 2: About 90% of priests have acquired a clear knowledge about SCCs by the end of 2014.

Objective 3: Every parish in the Diocese has at least two units of Basic Human Communities by the end of 2015