Commission for Seminary & Religious Formation


Committed laborers for the Vineyard of the Lord

Identification of young boys and girls with right aptitude and dedication. Motivating young boys and girls to respond to the call of Jesus Christ. Formation of men and women to lead the flock of the Lord

Goal 1: A vocation promoting environment in the Diocese of Udupi.

Objective 1: A “Vocation Promotion Team” is available at the diocesan level and Vocation Coordinator in every deanery of the diocese has taken charge before February 2014.

Objective 2: At least 10 candidates from the diocese respond every year to the call for priesthood and/or religious life.

Goal 2: The priests and the religious of the Diocese are well formed and are continuously updating themselves.

Objective 1: To make the Seminarians become pastorally oriented and familiar with the culture of the people.

Objective 2: To make the Diocesan clergy and the religious well informed about the current issues and the relevant teachings of the Church.