Commission for Family

Christ-centered stable, contented families.

Establishment of praying, loving and serving families

Goal 1: Enlightened teenagers (Adolescents) are prepared to build good families

Objective 1: Every year, 100% of the catholic boys/girls in the High Schools have undergone a course on Remote Preparation for family life’

Objective 2: Every year , youth above the age of 18 years have undergone a course on ‘Proximate preparation for family life’.

Objective 3: By the end of 2014, a ‘Marriage Bureau’ is functioning and helping the marriageable youth in ‘Choosing life partner’.

Goal 2: All marriageable youth are well prepared to receive the sacrament of Marriage.

Objective 1: By the end of 2014, a Resource book on Marriage Preparation Course is ready in Konkani language.

Objective2: By the end of 2014, a team of resource persons for Marriage preparation Course is available at the diocesan level and is assisting in conducting the Marriage Preparation Course.

Goal 3: Faith-filled loving and serving Catholic families.

Objective1: All married couples are undergoing Marriage Encounter and Enrichment Program at intervals of 1-5 years, 6-15 years, 16-25 years and above 25 years of married life.
Objective 2: By 2016, at least 50% of the parishes have a unit each of ‘Couples for Christ’, ‘Singles for Christ’ and ‘Youth for Christ’.
Objective 3: By 2015, at least 50% of the parishes have a well-trained Parish Family Cell.
Objective 4: The commission for Family has a well formed counseling centre by 2016