Commission for Catechetics

A Christian Community constantly renewed by the tenets of faith and the teaching of the church.

Ongoing faith formation of the Faithful for constant strengthening of their faith.

Goal: A community constantly strengthened in Faith.

Objective 1: By 2014, uniform Sunday Catechism and School Catechism Textbooks will be available for classes up to II PUC.

Objective 2: By 2014, coordinators for Catechism have taken charge both at the Parish and School levels.

Objective 3: By 2014, all Catechism teachers are to have knowledge of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and basic skills of teaching catechism.

Objective 4: By 2015, all youth within the age group of 18-25 have undergone training on ‘YouCat’

Objective 5: By 2016, all parishes in the Diocese have regular Adult Catechism.