Nithyadhar Mai Feast 2018 – 22 July 2018

Nithyadhar mai feast 2018

Although the patron saint of Pangla Parish is St. John’s Evangelist, the parishioners give highest reverence to two feasts dedicated to Mother Mary i.e. Feast of Nativity and Feast Mother of Perpetual succour. Both feasts are celebrated with great devotion and veneration to Mother Mary and hence they begin with Holy Eucharistic Holy Masses wherein large number of faithful attend and pray.

Last Sunday 22 July being the feast of Mother of Perpetual Succour the feast began with great devotion as large number of parishioners gathered in St. John the Evangelist church for the Holy Eucharistic Mass concelebrated by a guest priest Rev. Fr. Paul Melwin D’Souza (Head, St. Ann’s Friary Bejai, Mangalore) as the Chief Celebrant accompanied by Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves (PP) along with Fr. Vincent Coelho (Principal).

In the evening a special cultural program was arranged by ICYM and YCS units of Pangla Parish titled “Moriye Sangi Ek Sanz“ means An evening with Mother Mary”. It was a unique cultural event wherein all associations of the parish present a programs/skits and dances. The whole event was uniquely organized by ICYM and ICYM. The most well-presented programs were skits based on family values and also a few hilarious skits on social issues which were thoroughly enjoyed by all present on the occasion.
(report- Alphonce)