Nativity Feast Celebrations At Pangla Shankarpura Church – 09 September 2018

‘Monthi’ feast celebrations at Pangla Shankerapura church

Nativity feast celebrations at Pangla Shankerapura church
Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi diocese joined the devotees of St John Evangelist Church Pangla Shankerapura in celebrating the Feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary or popularly known as Monthi Fest in Coastal area. This feast also includes blessing of new grains thus thanking God for the new harvest. New grains were blessed by the Bishop in front of the Marian Grotto. Gurkars of the 21 wards took grains in Entrance procession as a sign of offering it to God. Eucharistic celebration was accompanied with meaningful liturgy. Deacon Jithesh Castelino preached homily highlighting the day’s important namely celebration of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary, feast of new grains, family feast and the day dedicated to girl child. Bishop Gerald in his address recalled the teaching given by Pope Francis on family during his visit to Ireland where he preached that families should pray together eat together and spend time in each others’ company. Words like ‘thank you’ ‘sorry’ and ‘please’ should be often used in the families. Rev Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves thanked all for their whole hearted support in the success of the feast. Rev Fr Royson Fernandes, the Assistant Parish priest, Rev Fr Romeo Lewis and Rev Fr Lawrence Mendonca and approximately 1400 devotees were present on the occasion. New grains and Sugar canes were distributed to the devotees.