Udupi Bishop’s Three Days Official Visit – 23 September 2018

Udupi Bishop's three days official visit

Udupi Bishop arrives at St John the Evangelist Church Pangla for his Pastoral visit
Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi diocese arrived at St John the Evangelist church pangla for three days’ Pastoral visit. Parish priest Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Asst parish priest Fr Royson Fernandes, Principal of St John’s pu college Fr Vincent Coelho, Fr Romeo Lewis, Vice president of PPC Mr Mark vaz, secretary Mrs Clera Mendonca, members of parish pastoral council and the parishioners welcomed the Bishop. After the introductory prayer service, Bishop visited the cemetery, and prayed for the deceased. 73 youth of the parish received the sacrament of Confirmation. In his preaching, Bishop highlighted the importance of prayer in the family. The awareness of presence of God in our families, can alone help us to lead happy family life’ he said. Bishop met the members of parish pastoral council, members of various associations. He will be visiting all the 5 schools of the church.