The Feast Of Our Lady Of Perpetual Succor (Nityadhar Mai) – 21 July 2019

The feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor (Nityadhar Mai)

Nithyadhar Mai Feast
The feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor (Nityadhar Mai) was celebrated on Sunday 21st July 2019. The day began with a Holy Eucharistic Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Rajesh Rosario (Lecturer, Jeppu Seminary) concelebrated with Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves (Parish Priest, St. John’s church, Pangla), and Rev. Fr. Roshan D’Cunha.(Asst. Parish Priest, Pangla Church), At the end of the Holy Mass scapulars and sweets were distributed to the faithful.
In the evening entertainment program titled An Evening with Mother Mary (Moriye Sangi Ek Sanz) was organized by ICYM and YCS Pangla Units involving all the associations of Pangla Parish. Variety of entertainment programmes, skits, hymns and dances enthralled the audience. children who got distinction in catechism were felicitated. Mr Gipson Castelino welcomed the gathering.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Pratham D’Souza president of YCS Pangla unit.
parish priest fr ferdinand appreciated ICYM & YCS Pangla units for putting up this beautiful “Moriye Sangi Ek Sanj” involving all the associations and wonderfully coordinating all the entertainment programs.
Neil Castelino and Vinola Quadras compeered the entire program wonderfully.