The Commemoration Of Passion Of Christ (Good Friday) – 19 April 2019

The Commemoration of passion of Christ (Good Friday)

Good Friday
Pangla St. John the evangelist Church Pangla observed Good Friday with devotion and religious Fervor on Friday 19th April 2019. The Death of Jesus Christ on the Cross meant the Solvation of all mankind. Good Friday also called as Holy Friday. Great Friday, Friday of Mourning is a day of Sadness, day of fasting and prayer. Throughout the day large number of faithful met the Jesus where present at alter of Repose.
In the morning at 10.00 am more than one hour the way of the Cross held with much devotion in the church ground and these reflected upon the sufferings and death of Jesus the large number of faithful were present.

The main liturgical service of the Good Friday,
The Commemoration of passion of Christ was held in the evening at 5.30 pm. The Service began with the chief celebrant Rev. Fr. Vincent Coelho came to the alter in a silent procession along with Rev. fr Ferdinand gonsalves, Rev fr Royson Fernandes, Rev. Fr. Lawrence Mendonca, Rev Fr Romeo Lewis and Rev Fr Alfred Rayan D’Souza. the Service included scripting readings invocations and prayers for various intentions of the church and veneration of the Cross. In his homily Fr. Vincent Highlighted importance of the day. After that the unveiling of the cross and Veneration of the Cross took place. The last part of the liturgy was the Holy Communion following which the faithful disposed and went to their respective homes in silence.