Catholic Sabha Organised Elocution Competition – 26 August 2018

Catholic Sabha Organised Elocution Competition

Elocution competition at Pangla Parish
On 26.08.2018 at 11 o’clock Catholic Sabha of Pangla Unit conducted elocution competition in Parish Mini Hall. 29 children took part in it. The spiritual director of Catholic Sabha and the Parish Priest of Pangla Parish Rev.Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves was present for the event. In his message he expressed his joy of seeing large number of students taking part in the elocution competition. He encouraged the participants and congratulated the parents who took keen interest in preparing the children. He continued saying God has given each one us different talents to use and not to keep them hidden.
Anitha D’souza, the co-ordinator of the elocution competition read and explained the rules and regulations of the said event to the participants. Sr Winnie D’souza, Mr Waltson D’sa and Mrs Priya Castelino were the judges for the event. The Parish Priest gave the mementoes to the judges. All the participants did their best to present the given topic in an effective manner.
The President of Catholic Sabha Mr Victor Mendonca welcomed the gathering. The Secretary Ms Jennifer Mendonca proposed the vote of thanks. All the Catholic Sabha Members were present. All the participants and invitees were given the refreshment. The entire programme was a great success.