Prathiba Puraskar By Catholic Sabha “Prathibha Puraskar”- An Honour To The Achievers – 29 July 2018

Prathiba Puraskar By catholic Sabha‘Prathibha Puraskar’ – An honour to the Achievers

Catholic Sabha unit of the parish organized Prathibha Puraskar – An honour to the achievers programme for the year 2018–19 on 29th July, 2018 in Community Hall. Parish Priest Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves Presided over the programme. Chief guest Dr Leena D’Mello in her message called upon the students not to deter from their goal,s inspite of their initial failures, in order to achieve success.
Mr Mark Vaz, the Vice President of Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs Clara Mendonca, the Secretary were present on the dais. Mrs Clara Mendonca verbalized the introductory remarks. 39 children and youth of the parish were honoured. Mr Victor Mendonca the President of Catholic Sabha extended a warm welcome to the gathered. Ms Jenifer Mendonca the Secretary proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs Anitha R. D’Souza compered the programme.