ಮೋರಿಯೆ ಸಂಘೀ ಏಕ್ ಸಂಜ್

One Evening with mother Mary 2018

One Evening with mother Mary 2018
“ Moriye Sangi Ek Sanj “
The evening began at 6:15pm by a prayer song by Pangla Parish Choir followed by a prayer dance by little kids of Moriyal Sodality.

Aran D’Souza (ICYM President) accorded a warm welcome to all the guests and audience present on the occasion. Fr. Vincent Coelho (Principal, St. John’s Academy) delivered a brief message and applauded the efforts put up by all parishioners in the celebration of feast of Mother Mary. He said it was his 8 th attendance of Moriye Sangi Ek Sanj and appreciated efforts put up by all associations of Pangla Parish and their unique tradition of great devotion to Mother Mary and a unique way of celebration of the feast. He further said that today everyone looking very young and dynamic.

Interest is the Mother of Invention Pangla Parishioners take great interest in celebrating “Moriye Sangi Ek Sanz” which keeps all families united and gives platform for many kids and young to exhibit their talents he said. He thanked ICYM and YCS members for organizing such a devotional celebration of feast of Mother Mary Loads of entertainment and hilarious skits were presented by all associations of parish which were really meaningful. The hilarious comedy skit by ICYM members enthralled the audience as every audience burst with laughter riot watching their performances. It was indeed a great memorable comedy by these young guys that provided total entertainment for one and all. The mesmerizing dances by children and ICYM/YCS members enthralled the audience.

The high point of the celebration was a 45 minutes short play titled “Mummy Maka Jai“written and directed by Pangla drama writer Walston D’Sa was applauded by the audience. The story of play revolves around a poor family wherein the parents try to survive by their hard work and educate their two children. However, the son of the family after receiving well education with the help of his future rich wife conveniently abandon his parents as his wife couldn’t live in a small house of her husband. Eventually they leave their parents’ house which gives shock to the father and he dies. This unique play brought tears on every audience and sent a powerful message on importance of family life. All the artists did justice to their stipulated roles by their super performances namely (John Rodrigues (Father), Anilda Noronha (Mother), Rachel Mendonca (Daughter), Gipson Castelino (Son), Revin Dias (Son-in-law) and Ashwini Danthis (Daughter-in-law).

On this occasion, two outstanding personalises were felicitated namely Miss Edna Preema Machado who completed her CA this year and Mr. Walston Juvenesh D’Sa (Konkani Writer/MC). They were felicitated by guests on dais, Parish Priest Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves, Fr. Vincent Coelho (Principal, St. Johns Academy), Mr Mark Vaz (VP Parish Council), Ms. Clara Mendonsa (Secretary, Parish Council) honoured with traditional shawl, a garlands, fruits and a mementos. Also on the occasion all the children who excelled academically and in Catechism exams were felicitated. The rising star of Pangla Rayan Fernandes who is very active in various social services and in Politics was honoured during the stage program especially for being elected as President of Rotaract Club Subhasnagar. Also felicitated on the occasion, Jeevan Pereira on his selection as Central Council Treasurer of ICYM Udupi Diocese.

Speaking on the occasion Fr. Ferdinand said, this is his second time attending the “Moriye Sangi Ek Sanz” and really felt happy to be with all Pangalites to spend some valuable time. He said, Pangla people have a great devotion to Mother Mary and give importantance to feast of Mother of Perpetual Succour and ICYM and YCS members organize this event effeciently. He further praised the youth of this parish for their obedient and humble nature who take advice from their parents.

He urged all the parents to support them always which helps them and others to develop their talents by putting up shows like An evening with Mother Mary. A lot of efforts and practice has been put behind the scene to present this unique program. He praised all the associations for their selfless efforts and enthusiasm to provide such a grand celebration. He said it also signifies the family bond between the parishioners and provides a platform for the young to be active to present their talents and unity. He congratulated all the winners who excelled academically and in Catechism exams. He especially applauded Edna Preema Machado, Waltson D’Sa and Rayan and called them the “Twinkling Stars of Pangla Parish”.

The grand entertaining program concluded with a vote of thanks by Maria. The program was conducted by emcee of the day Miss. Venisha and Alister supported by Anitha D’Souza.
(report- Alphonce)